The importance of comprehensive instructor certification programs cannot be overstated.
In fact, our experience has shown such programs are as crucial as the content of the course(s). That’s because without certified instructors, even the best designed training may not be properly delivered.

Instructor certification also provides you validation at an organizational level that:
- Your internal training efforts are being delivered by instructors with documented instructional skills,
- Your courses are being taught in an instructionally sound manner,
- Your courses are consistently delivered as they were designed to be taught.
Without this validation, the success of your entire training program can be left to chance.
And with training budgets increasingly under scrutiny, an instructor certification program helps document the total value of your overall training program.
That’s because an instructor certification program is the documented, definable outcome of a comprehensive instructor development process.
Our Instructor Certification Programs
Over the years, we have established numerous instructor certification programs. But one thing differentiates our instructor certification programs from that of most of our competitors – we promote self-sufficiency.
What this means is our programs are designed and developed specifically to create internally-managed, self-sustaining instructor pools within your organization. This ensures you have a continual supply of certified, internally-available instructors and don’t have to rely on an external consultant or service provider.
When you partner with us, we’ll start with our previously-developed instructor certification programs. Each is based on the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) instructor competencies.
This provides the framework to accelerate program development while simultaneously reducing development costs. All the while providing your “stamp of approval” from the world’s premiere training professional association.
Using this framework, we then sit down with you to identify your specific organizational needs and your unique operational and training culture. We will then custom-design an instructor certification program for you.
By following this process, we can develop your custom instructor certification program for virtually the same cost as an off-the-shelf program.
The Secret to Self-Sufficiency
Knowing we promote your self-sufficiency, and realizing your need for a continual supply of certified, internal instructors, you might think that presents a conflict. After all, how do you continue to develop new instructors while retaining that self-sufficiency.
The secret is Master Instructors. And that secret is one thing the separates our instructor certification program from the rest of the pack.
While working with you to establish your program, we’ll evaluate your pool of certified instructors. From this pool, we identify several of these now-certified instructors as potential Master Instructors.
With a few hours of additional training beyond our Instructor Development Course level, these new Master Trainers will have the skills to observe instructor candidates, objectively document their performance, and provide these instructor candidates with feedback and any required performance mentoring.
Once these new Master Trainers competently demonstrate these skills, they receive their Master Instructor Certification. They are then qualified to observe and certify other new instructors.
This provided you a self-sustaining, documented instructor certification program that provides you the internal capability to satisfy your current and future instructional needs.
This “organizational self-sufficiency” emphasizes the long-term benefits of institutionalizing instructor development for organization-wide learning communities. And we’ve found such a program continues to provide benefits long after the initial resource costs of establishing the program are forgotten.
Contact us today to discuss how we can partner with you to design and develop an instructor certification program that can be the foundation of your organization’s training program for years to come.