You undoubtedly know the value of great technical training.
After all, it’s vital to growing your organization’s technical expertise as well as replacing knowledge lost through attrition.

But it’s easy to forget the importance of the training development process to ensuring training quality and results.
Without completing each step in the training development process, the likelihood your training will successfully educate employees and customers drops dramatically.
Unfortunately, these industry-standard steps compound the already-existing schedule complexities of technical training development.
And those impacts are magnified with training development teams that lack extensive technical training expertise.
So how can you address every critical step in the training development process…
While simultaneously ensuring engaging content and a streamlined completion?
Work with a training development team that’s focused on technical training for over 25 years.
We start with a foundation of adult learning principles and industry-standard Instructional System Design (ISD) frameworks.
We then overlay the latest cognitive science research results to strengthen learner knowledge retention.
Finally, we supplement with our unique blend of engineering experience, training communication and cross-cultural expertise.
This resulting mix lets us design and develop engaging technical training – so your learners internalize and apply their new knowledge.
And our focus on technical training lets us integrate deliver these better results without extending the development schedule.
In fact, we’ve designed, developed and delivered a 1.5-day, from-scratch technical training with a workshop in just 7 weeks… from contract signature to course pilot.
Training design and development
For training design, development, evaluation and revision, our team uses the industry-standard ADDIE process.
While not a true agile process, ADDIE is an iterative process that allows continual improvement.
It incorporates the five defined steps within the standard ISD process: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.

The result when we integrate ADDIE with neuro-education science and our extensive cross-cultural technical training experience?
Training materials and events that resonate with your technical learners.
So they internalize the content at a higher level… and apply their new knowledge more consistently.
When you’re ready to discover how technical and ISD expertise blend with process and cognitive science to create better training, contact us.
We’ll schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation to discuss your training development needs and determine if, and how, we can help you.