When we mention training documentation, what do you think of?
If you’re like most people, you probably think about training manuals. That’s normal because manuals are what most people “see” when they think of training documentation.
But there’s more to training documentation than just manuals.

The “Unseen” World of Training Documentation
The reality is that clear, concise, and structured course documentation is THE key component of consistent, repeatable training. It allows any course, particularly technically-focused courses, to be uniformly delivered regardless of the technical expert(s) actually leading the course.
And while creating training documentation obviously includes instructor guides, participant workbooks, and participant reference manuals, other types of documentation are often overlooked.
Vital course documents like:
- Course competency examinations
- Customized case studies
- Customized problems, exercises, or role playing activities
- Course evaluation forms,
- Course delivery checklists
- And more
At IDT Group, we are committed to providing you with the best technical training documentation support available. Even if you have in-house staff, we’re prepared to help that staff handle temporary overloads.
What We Can Do For You
For your new course development needs, our team will bring you decades of experience creating training documentation regardless of the course delivery method. This includes, as our sample past projects suggest, instructor-led courses, web-based courses, and blended courses.
We can also work with you to improve your existing course documentation. This could include:
- Updating and restructuring your existing instructor guide, participant workbook, or reference manuals,
- Reviewing and/or updating competency exams, or
- Developing/modifying system-level course evaluation documentation for both immediately after training and post training (Kirkpatrick Level 3).
It may also include creating documentation for an existing training course to ensure continuity should key personnel change.
Either way, our extensive training evaluation and analysis background can expedite document creation for your existing courses.
Finally, there’s one critical step many training companies overlook – Quality Control.
Because of our extensive experience with technical and engineering companies, we have established a formalized QC process to make certain any training documents exceed your expectations.
Our QC process includes formalized version control and project management as well as the participation of award-winning technical writers and professional editorial staff in the document review process.
This guarantees your documents are publication ready when you receive them. On time.
Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’ll discuss your needs, provide you samples if desired, and determine the best way to satisfy those needs.